Labour slams Hobsonville move National has resurrected plans to ensure a percentage of the new houses built at Auckland’s Hobsonville Point sell for less than $485,000 – but Labour isn’t impressed. 16-11-2012 more >>
Politicians wade into supplement debate Debate over the Government’s accommodation supplement is heating up. Labour’s housing spokeswoman Annette King says the supplement artificially props up rents and has suggested the money - which she terms a $1.2 billion subsidy for landlords – could be better spent building more houses. 18-07-2012 more >>
Focus on supplement misses the point Politicians claiming the accommodation supplement is lining the pockets of landlords seem to have forgotten one key point: There is a massive property shortage in New Zealand, and in Auckland in particular. 18-07-2012 more >>
Information on supplement slow to arrive Labour’s Housing spokeswoman Annette King is working through Treasury reports relating to policy work on the accommodation supplement. 04-07-2012 more >>
Loans for first home buyers cut Labour says Budget cuts to Welcome Home Loan funding will mean low-income earners will miss out on home ownership. 01-06-2012 more >>
Govt plans cuts to accommodation supplement Labour says a reduction in the accommodation supplement handed out by Work and Income may lower the amount landlords are able to charge in rent. 01-06-2012 more >>
DBH merger plans 'ideologically driven and dangerous' Plans to merge the Department of Building and Housing (DBH) into a ‘Super Ministry' have been branded as ideologically driven and dangerous for the county's building, housing and construction sectors. 17-03-2012 more >>