New Zealand Property Investors' Federation

The NZPIF is the umbrella body for 17 local Property Investors' Associations throughout New Zealand.

(027) 357 9243

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Archive: January 2016

Official Cash Rate unchanged at 2.5 percent

The Reserve Bank today left the Official Cash Rate unchanged at 2.5 percent.
28-01-2016 more >>

Fewer expecting house price gains but see interest rates staying low

The latest ASB Housing Confidence Survey was released today
27-01-2016 more >>

The complete answer for warm dry homes

Community Housing Aotearoa says that insulation is only half the answer in improving rental housing and that you still need to heat the house. "In fact it isn't even half the answer" says NZ Property Investors' Federation Executive Officer, Andrew King
27-01-2016 more >>

Allow Emailed Invoices to be reproduced as a PDF

Emails print out with extra information such as recipient email on them. Waikato PIA would like them to be available as a PDF download.
27-01-2016 more >>

Heavy handed UK rental taxes

New Zealand is not the only country where people think that rental property owners are forcing people to be tenants. The UK Government has introduced tax changes aimed at forcing people out of owning rental property (termed buy-to-let in the UK) and reducing competition for first home buyers.
25-01-2016 more >>

Number on social housing register continues to decline

The December 2015 Social Housing Register shows that better understanding applicant’s particular needs is housing more vulnerable people, Social Housing Minister Paula Bennett says.
22-01-2016 more >>

Tony Alexander wriites his first BNZ weekly overview for 2016

Housing is one of the topics he covers.
21-01-2016 more >>

Live Chat

At the bottom of your screen you'll see a blue bar with "Do you need a hand?" - I'm testing out a chat window to see if it helps with PIMMS and possibly the public websites too.
19-01-2016 more >>

Rental prices in NZ are quite reasonable

It has been suggested that landlords are responsible for rental property overcrowding and even hot-bedding, but this is unlikely to be the case.
19-01-2016 more >>

A New Year offer from Unovent

By popular request from NZPIF members, the 25% price reduction for Unovent Home Ventilation Kitsets has become available until February 5, 2016, and is an exclusive offer for members of Property Investors' Associations affiliated to the NZPIF. It is for any size kitset (any number of room outlets) and for any quantity of kitsets.
18-01-2016 more >>

Cashing in on the baby boomer market

Late last year the Salvation Army published an interesting report into housing Baby Boomers. The report claimed there will be around 200,000 people who in 2030 will be aged over 65 years old and not own their home. That should interest all forward thinking rental property owners.
15-01-2016 more >>

NZ house prices - a historical perspective

Elizabeth Kendall provides some interesting insights into the context of rising house prices.
15-01-2016 more >>

Housing construction hits one billion dollars per month

The growth in residential building hit an all-time record of a billion dollars of work consented in a month for the first time ever, Building and Housing Minister Dr Nick Smith noted today in response to Statistics New Zealand building consent data.
11-01-2016 more >>

Rental Warrant of Fitness to be introduced this year in Wellington and Dunedin

He Kainga Oranga will measure how a WoF affects the rental market and tenant health in Wellington and Dunedin, compared with control cities Lower Hutt and Invercargill, which are not planning to introduce a rental WOF at this stage.
04-01-2016 more >>

Results: 1-14 of 14