New Zealand Property Investors' Federation

The NZPIF is the umbrella body for 17 local Property Investors' Associations throughout New Zealand.

(027) 357 9243

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Archive: January 2018

Tony Mounce Mortgages and Insurance becomes Principal Sponsor of 2018 NZPIF Conference

We are delighted to announce that the Principal Sponsor of this year's Conference.
29-01-2018 more >>

Build to rent could be the missing piece of the affordable housing puzzle

A UK build-to-rent housing model that treats residential tenancy similar to commercial tenancy could be one answer to New Zealand’s inadequate rental stock.
29-01-2018 more >>

It will be a challenging year for rental property providers

It is the start of what is likely to be a challenging year for rental property providers. Hopefully you will have some time off work and while rest and recreation is important, it is also a good time to take stock of your investments.
18-01-2018 more >>

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