Less intrusion for tenants The NZ Property Investors’ Federation (NZPIF) is very pleased that their specialist rental property insurance supplier, Initio, has just increased for our members the required period between property inspections from three months to four. 10-07-2019 more >>
Insurance advice after severe flooding and weathr damage As the clean-up begins after severe flooding and weather damage, the advice from the Insurance & Savings Ombudsman, Karen Stevens, is to contact your insurance company and take photos of the damage before you start your clean up. 22-06-2015 more >>
Are You Really Covered? Did you know that if your carpet is not glued to the floor (e.g. it is tacked down) then it is not covered under your dwelling. It is part of your contents or landlords furnishings. Have you accounted for this in your sum insured? 03-12-2006 more >>