Kiwibuild reset a good idea “The Kiwibuild reset is a good idea†says Andrew King, Executive Officer of the NZ Property Investors’ Federation (NZPIF).
However, providing $400,000,000 of taxpayer money to get “up to†4,000 people into home ownership appears to be a very expensive investment. How will the lucky 4,000 be chosen and what about all the others who aspire to home ownership? 04-09-2019 more >>
Capital gains tax part of Labour policy Alongside a capital gains tax, our KiwiBuild housing policy, universal KiwiSaver and reduced costs to businesses through NZ Power, Labour is offering an alternative that will help Kiwi families and ensure our economy can create better jobs and higher wages,†says David Parker 29-04-2014 more >>
Greens' scheme slammed The Green Party’s proposals to get low-income earners into housing have been panned by the New Zealand Property Investors Federation. 25-01-2013 more >>