New Zealand Property Investors' Federation

The NZPIF is the umbrella body for 17 local Property Investors' Associations throughout New Zealand.

(027) 357 9243

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Recent updates

  • First-home buyers missing out: Survey
    Reserve Bank loan-to-value (LVR) rules have had a big impact on first-home buyers, but not made much difference to investors, the latest BNZ/REINZ survey of real-estate agents shows.
    17-02-2014 more >>
  • LVR rules affecting FHBs most: Alexander
    First-home buyers may be edging back into the market but are still bearing the brunt of the Reserve Bank’s loan-to-value restrictions, a new survey shows. BNZ chief economist Tony Alexander said the results of the first BNZ/REINZ survey of real estate agents for the year would be released next week.
    13-02-2014 more >>

  • Results: 1-2 of 2