New Zealand Property Investors' Federation

The NZPIF is the umbrella body for 17 local Property Investors' Associations throughout New Zealand.

(027) 357 9243

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Recent updates

  • $2.9 million boost for Waikato HNZ homes
    Increased spending on maintenance by Housing New Zealand’s is making its Waikato properties better places to live, Social Housing Minister Paula Bennett says
    27-02-2016 more >>
  • WOFs kick off
    A Warrant of Fitness scheme for Housing New Zealand homes will target 500 houses between now and July, Housing Minister Nick Smith announced today. He said the system needed to be practical so it could be applied to thousands of houses across New Zealand. “We need to be cautious of removing houses from the rental market when there is a shortage. We also need to ensure that the benefits of the Warrant of Fitness standard exceed the costs, because housing affordability is a significant issue.”
    19-02-2014 more >>
  • Housing WOF trial gets underway
    Housing Minister Dr Nick Smith today announced the start of a trial Warrant of Fitness scheme on Housing New Zealand homes.
    19-02-2014 more >>
  • Landlord "screwed" by HNZ
    Auckland property investor Ian Crayton is emphatic about the treatment he says he and other landlords have received from HNZ after signing up to its Home Leasing scheme.
    30-12-2010 more >>

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