New meth contamination and testing standard New Zealanders will be able to better manage the risks of methamphetamine in residential properties following the release of a new standard, Building and Construction Minister Dr Nick Smith and Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister Jacqui Dean say. 29-06-2017 more >>
What are the consequences of meth in rental properties? The consequences of meth in rental properties have been escalating over the last few years. Fortunately it isn't the actual health consequences of meth in rentals (except for those actually consuming the stuff) but uninformed fear of what meth residue can do and the potential for highly expensive remediation if it is discovered in your rental. 22-05-2017 more >>
Andrew King updates members on meth contamination. The much anticipated report on acceptable levels of meth contamination was released recently by the Ministry of Health. The main finding of the report is that the current levels of acceptable meth contamination are to be amended. 18-11-2016 more >>
Residual methamphetamine in rental properties - an update by Colin Comber Members may have heard or viewed various reports in the media in recent weeks about the issue of residual methamphetamine in rental accommodation. This communication is intended as a summary of some key points that have emerged from the ongoing debate about the subject: 22-08-2016 more >>
Meth users stopping vulnerable from getting state homes P-users are delaying vulnerable people from getting access to social housing and have forced Housing New Zealand to demolish 14 contaminated homes in three years, Social Housing Minister Paula Bennett says. 10-11-2015 more >>