New Zealand Property Investors' Federation

The NZPIF is the umbrella body for 17 local Property Investors' Associations throughout New Zealand.

(027) 357 9243

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Archive: November 2009

Property values turn positive - finally

Property values were finally in positive territory for October and are above the same time last year, according to QV's latest figures.
09-11-2009 more >>

Residential highlights - October

Property values are increasing throughout the country. Find out how the main centres are faring.
09-11-2009 more >>

Rules tightening around mortgagee sales

The government is changing the law to make it more difficult for property investors in trouble to arrange "de facto" mortgagee sales and avoid paying GST owed.
06-11-2009 more >>

Confidence in property returning

Property is still considered the best investment option in the current market, despite its appeal taking a hit over the past three months, according to the latest ASB Investor Confidence survey.
06-11-2009 more >>

Auckland house prices reach 22-month high, sales rise

Auckland house prices reached a 22-month high in October and the volume of sales rose from a year earlier, suggesting a revival in confidence in property is encouraging both buyers and sellers.
04-11-2009 more >>

Lukewarm response to home loan top-ups

Only $1.6 million of the Government's allocated $18.4 million to help modest income-earners buy houses in expensive places has been taken up.
04-11-2009 more >>

IRD ramps up investigations yet again

Investors whose property transactions may have been a little over-vigorous during the boom will not be able to relax because the boom is over.
03-11-2009 more >>

November '09 Issue

Christchurch investor Liz Harris started out as a landlord through necessity, but has continued down the property path and has built up an empire of multi-income properties. With her gentle demeanor and passion for what she does, Harris shares her extraordinary story with Vicki Holder
01-11-2009 more >>

Results: 26-33 of 33