New Zealand Property Investors' Federation

The NZPIF is the umbrella body for 17 local Property Investors' Associations throughout New Zealand.

(027) 357 9243

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Archive: 2016

Residual meth in our rentals

Andrew King, Executive Officer of the NZPIF, looks into the facts behind the media hype
03-07-2016 more >>

$1b fund to accelerate housing infrastructure

The Prime Minister today announced a new $1 billion Housing Infrastructure Fund to accelerate the supply of new housing where it’s needed most, Finance Minister Bill English and Building and Housing Minister Dr Nick Smith say.
03-07-2016 more >>

NZPIF in the news in May and June

Over May and June, Andrew King has been interviewed by representatives of the media on a number of occasions. First of all he was asked for comment on the housing aspects of the 2016 Budget. Then the change of the Tenancy law requiring minimum standards for rentals became the hot issue as the end of June approached.
01-07-2016 more >>

Warmer, drier, safer rental law kicks in

Tenancy law changes covering smoke alarms, insulation, enforcement of standards and property abandonment come into effect tomorrow, Building and Housing Minister Dr Nick Smith says
30-06-2016 more >>

Big price reductions on heating from Infracomfort

It is worth looking at the heating options offered by Infracomfort. They have reduced pricing and have a new product to offer.
20-06-2016 more >>

New relocation grant available from Monday

Grants of up to $5000 to cover costs involved in moving from Auckland will be available from Monday, 20 June, for eligible people who may want to relocate to other areas of the country but find cost a barrier.
17-06-2016 more >>

Law change proposed to address 'P' house problem

National MP Andrew Bayly is proposing changes in the law to address the problem with methamphetamine-contaminated houses.
15-06-2016 more >>

Are there really too many property investors?

A recent CoreLogic report has claimed that 46% of property sales in Auckland over the last month were to investors. This figure was obtained by counting the number of properties bought by people who have an existing home. Apart from investing, there are many other situations where this may occur.
13-06-2016 more >>

Reducing risk as a landlord

The NZPIF insurance providers - Initio and First Lane Insurance - have provided these eight tips for reducing risk as a landlord
10-06-2016 more >>

We don't need more regulation

Last month I wrote about house prices rising and the calls for more regulation. Unfortunately the calls for more regulation have been heard and the Reserve Bank is looking to introduce loan-to-income restrictions for mortgages.
07-06-2016 more >>

New policy proposed for urban development

The Government’s proposed National Policy Statement on Urban Development Capacity will require councils to ensure land supply for housing and business keeps pace with growth, Environment, Building and Housing Minister Dr Nick Smith says.
02-06-2016 more >>

Warmer, safer rental home law passed

The Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill passed unanimously by Parliament today requiring smoke alarms and insulation in rental properties will save 1000 lives during the next decade, Building and Housing Minister Dr Nick Smith says
31-05-2016 more >>

Announcing a new special deal for members

The NZPIF is pleased to announce that it has negotiated a discount on MyRepublic’s fibre broadband plans for all members and partners of the Property Investors’ Associations nationally
30-05-2016 more >>

NZPIF in the news during April/May

Issues of concern to the media were rising rental prices, Labour's Bill on minimum standards, landlords being liable for unintentional damage by tenants, number of foreign buyers of houses and the 2016 Budget.
29-05-2016 more >>

Positives for housing in the budget do not go far enough

“It's great that the 2016 Budget has extended the Healthy Homes Initiative with an extra $18m,” says Andrew King, Executive Officer of the NZ Property Investors’ Federation (NZPIF).
28-05-2016 more >>

Overview of 2016 Budget

Budget 2016 is a forward-looking Budget that invests in a growing economy
27-05-2016 more >>

Update regarding social housing transaction process

The Government has a wide range of work underway to progress social housing reforms that will help the community housing sector grow and innovate, Ministers Bill English and Paula Bennett said today.
27-05-2016 more >>

Consequences for landlords when P is found on their properties

Two recent Tenancy Tribunal cases have increased the risk levels for landlords where P is found in their properties.
26-05-2016 more >>

Keeping your rental dry

There are some reasonably simple steps you can take to improve your tenants living standards and better protect your rental property.
25-05-2016 more >>

Hundreds of state homes already under construction

Hundreds of state homes already under construction Housing New Zealand is already building more homes than the Greens’ rushed policy proposed, and additional social houses are also being sourced from Community Housing Providers, Ministers Bill English and Paula Bennett say.
23-05-2016 more >>

2016 NZPIF Conference a stimulating experience

Here is the background of three of the Conference speakers and each has a message which will sustain you during the following 12 months.
20-05-2016 more >>

Queenstown housing accord gathers pace

Progress is being made in tackling Queenstown’s housing shortage, with the second monitoring report showing the local council has more than met its first-year consents target, Building and Housing Minister Dr Nick Smith says
18-05-2016 more >>

Labour support on city limits welcomed

The new position by the Labour opposition calling for an abolition of city limits has been welcomed by Building and Housing Minister Dr Nick Smith.
18-05-2016 more >>

We don't need more regulation

Last month I wrote about house prices rising and the calls for more regulation. Unfortunately the calls for more regulation have been heard and the Reserve Bank is looking to introduce loan-to-income restrictions for mortgages.
15-05-2016 more >>

No land tax reasonable

"It is good to finally have some actual numbers around foreign buyers of New Zealand property" says NZ Property Investors Federation Executive Officer, Andrew King, "even if they may not be exact".
12-05-2016 more >>

Results: 51-75 of 130