Issues around water use and who pays for it have been clarified by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s building and housing department – but not to the satisfaction of the New Zealand Property Investors Federation. 22-08-2012 more >>
New Zealand may be one of the most over-valued housing markets, but that doesn’t mean prices are going to fall any time soon, says BNZ chief economist Tony Alexander. 21-08-2012 more >>
ANZ says too much focus in the housing affordability debate is being put on a shortage of supply. It says any effort to make housing more affordability needs to look at lots of factors, including improving the income side of the equation. 20-08-2012 more >>
Self-employed people are flocking to low-doc loans, brokers say. The loans don’t require the same amount of paperwork as a standard mortgage and are popular with those who do not yet have the financial records to declare their income. 20-08-2012 more >>
Buyers are likely to hesitate about purchasing at partly-built Pegasus Town, near Christchurch, now that it is in receivership, despite assurances from the developer that it is business as usual, says one local real estate agent. 17-08-2012 more >>
ANZ’s latest property report says the housing market looks likely to remain sketchy and prone to short bursts of enthusiasm followed by consolidation, as opposed to any clear trend. 17-08-2012 more >>
New Zealanders are increasingly confident about borrowing to buy homes and businesses, according to credit bureau Veda. Almost 50% more people made mortgage inquiries this year, compared to 2011. 16-08-2012 more >>
Porirua is a diverse and underrated location for investors and tenants alike. If variety is the spice of life, Porirua is hot. Once seen as merely a satellite city of Wellington, Porirua is now a diverse and bustling region that draws all types of people and industries. 16-08-2012 more >> chief executive Alistair Helm says the New Zealand property market is a long way from a boom – despite the latest REINZ figures showing a 19.9% year-on-year increase in house sales. 15-08-2012 more >>
The acquisition of Century 21 New Zealand by its Australian counterpart’s owner and chairman is expected to lead to closer transtasman collaboration, the firm says. 15-08-2012 more >>
Housing confidence was steady nationwide in the three months to July, but house price expectations carry on climbing, according to the latest ASB Housing Confidence Survey. 14-08-2012 more >>
Lifestyle properties lifted in popularity in the three months to July 2012, according to the Real Estate Insititute of New Zealand. The REINZ’s latest data on rural sales shows a 10.8% increase in the number of lifestyle blocks sold in the July quarter compared to the same period the year before. 14-08-2012 more >>
Auckland’s house prices are increasing at a faster rate than the national average, according to the latest data from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. 13-08-2012 more >>
Auckland may be the runaway real estate market at the moment but New Zealanders shouldn’t expect it to stay that way forever, Westpac chief economist Dominick Stephens says. 10-08-2012 more >>
The latest BNZ/REINZ residential market survey has shown sellers' markets and rising prices throughout the country – except in Northland. BNZ chief economist Tony Alexander said that a lack of inventory was pushing prices up particularly in Auckland, Canterbury and Otago. “Only in Northland does there appear to be a wave of potential sellers appearing whereas in Auckland and again in Otago few potential vendors appear to be stepping forward.†09-08-2012 more >>
Nationwide residential property values have risen again in July, according to the latest Quotable Value index, but investors are looking for properties that offer good yields, rather than banking on continuing capital gains. 09-08-2012 more >>
A group of Blue Chip investors have won the right to void contracts forcing them to buy apartments. Five Supreme Court justices, led by Chief Justice Sian Elias, have ruled Blue Chip was effectively selling the investors debt securities without producing a prospectus or appointing a trustee, both of which are illegal under the Securities Act 1978. 09-08-2012 more >>
Prices are firm and more houses are selling, according to the latest data from Quotable Value and the Real Estate Institute of New Zealand. 09-08-2012 more >>
A new development boundary for Auckland has been welcomed by the city’s property investors association but president David Whitburn says it doesn’t go far enough. 08-08-2012 more >>
Things are looking up for two of the country’s biggest property investment groups. Goodman Property Trust chief executive John Dakin said this week that confidence was returning to the investment and development markets. 08-08-2012 more >>
Sellers haven’t been put off by the colder months this year, according to data from In its latest Property Report for July, the website said that while the level of new listings was usually lowest in winter, the number of properties coming on to the market last month was virtually the same as the previous month. 07-08-2012 more >>
A complaint from a would-be buyer who said a real estate agent snapped up his dream home should never have been made public before it had been properly dealt with, the Real Estate Institute of New Zealand says. 07-08-2012 more >>
New Zealand’s resurgent property market is evident in the latest Reserve Bank statistics, showing the number and value of home loans issued across the country. 06-08-2012 more >>