New Zealand Property Investors' Federation

The NZPIF is the umbrella body for 17 local Property Investors' Associations throughout New Zealand.

(027) 357 9243

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President's July Report

Over the past year, there has been extensive consultation with PIAs regarding our Code of Ethics. The NZPIF Executive Committee passed the final version on May 17 and, at the end of June, distribution began of printed copies to affiliated Property Investors’ Associations. This is a voluntary Code and represents conduct and behaviour to which members will aspire as they go about their business as property investors and landlords. A press release will go out to the media soon. Click here for the full text of the Code.
Closely aligned to our desire to inspire and promote high standards of behaviour and ethics is the launch of a new Award. As an opportunity to celebrate the professionalism of members and to honour our best, we are inviting landlords to enter for the NZ Property Investors’ Federation and Department of Building and Housing Landlord of the Year 2008. We are very pleased to have the support of the Department of Building and Housing for this new Award and this will enable us to offer the winner a cup, framed citation and a prize consisting of registration and accommodation for two for the 2009 annual NZPIF Conference. The two runners up will also each receive a framed citation and a gift. Information and an entry form are now on and entries close on September 15. The two runners up and winner will be announced at the 2008 Conference Dinner on October 25.
After some intensive review of the clauses of Residential Tenancy Act Amendment Bill, we have been able to identify a list of those with which we have particular concerns. On behalf of all the members of affiliated Associations, we have forwarded this list of clauses and our concerns to the Minister of Building and Construction, the Minister of Housing and five other politicians, who have the role of housing spokesperson for their respective parties. This is a first step to give these politicians an early indication of our thinking prior to the first reading of the Bill. We will be following up with them and writing more detailed submissions as soon as the time frame for these becomes known.
The NZ Property Investors’ Federation Office in Christchurch is now able to offer online transactions, and this new facility is being used by a number of people registering for the 2008 Conference. The facility, organised through the ANZ, is now being rolled out to the Associations who have asked to join in the group scheme. Making it easy to join an Association, or register for a seminar or conference, is all part of the ongoing campaign to build our numbers. The more property investors we represent, the more effective we can be in our lobbying role at the national political level.
The power of acting together was recently proved by the organisation of the recent lecture tour of Michael Yardney by seven Property Investors’ Associations. I understand that his presentations attracted large numbers in each centre. At the June Communications Meeting, there was considerable interest in a similar initiative for 2009. I think this is a very positive move.
Martin Evans

Tags: federation reports