New Zealand Property Investors' Federation

The NZPIF is the umbrella body for 17 local Property Investors' Associations throughout New Zealand.

(027) 357 9243

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Landlords support updating of 23 year old RTA

Federation President Martin Evans told the social services select committee this week that the Bill is of vital importance for tenants and landlords as it updates tenancy law first conceived in 1986. He said a number of changes are welcomed, such as the introduction of a fine for tenants who abandon a rental property owing rent as this doesn’t penalise good tenants but encourages all tenants to act responsibly.

 However, the Federation still has concern about 24 areas, which it has covered in its submission to the select committee. These include

·      Seeking greater clarity around the responsibility for outgoings such as water and waste water;

·       Easing the requirement for landlords to disclose whether the premises have had to be    cleansed under a statutory order;

·       Providing a course of action when a landlord is faced with abandoned goods.



The draft legislation has languished for several years and we look forward to the Housing Minister, the Hon Phil Heatley steering the bill through the remaining Parliamentary stages so it can become law as soon as possible said Mr Evans.


Note for Editors

The New Zealand Property Investors’ Federation was established in 1983 and is the national body representing 7,330 property investors. There are 21 Property Investors’ Associations affiliated to the NZPIF throughout the country. These Associations have regular meetings with guest speakers on a variety of subjects related to property investment and run educational seminars for their members. 



For further information please contact:


NZPIF President                                                                                             NZPIF Vice President

Martin Evans                                                                                                  Andrew King

Mobile 027 222 8286                                                                                       09 815 8642