New Zealand Property Investors' Federation

The NZPIF is the umbrella body for 17 local Property Investors' Associations throughout New Zealand.

(027) 357 9243

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PIMMS2 unveiled

Here is a chance to learn everything you wanted to know about the NZPIF membership and website management system and more besides. Three hands on training workshops have been organised and you can become the local expert in PIMMS2 by attending one of these with Sarah King.  There will be opportunities to ask questions and you will learn much about the fascinating functionality of PIMMS 2 ensuring that administrative tasks will become much easier.

It is strongly recommended that one person attend from each PIA. To assist with costs the NZPIF will fund one flight per PIA or petrol for one car. It would be even better if two people from each PIA were able to attend.

If you are not able to attend the meeting nearest you then you are welcome to come to another meeting. 

Training is from 10am - 4pm at these following locations and the rooms will be open from 9am – 5pm. 

Manawatu –  Sunday 23rd August 2015 – The Coachman

Christchurch – Saturday 29th August 2015 – The meeting rooms Christchurch airport

Auckland – Saturday 12th September 2015 – Meeting room in the Auckland airport

Every participant will need to bring a laptop – WIFI will be available.

Please register with Helen at by 31st July – spaces are limited. Details will be sent out once you register.  Please let Helen know if you have any specific requests for training.



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