New Zealand Property Investors' Federation

The NZPIF is the umbrella body for 17 local Property Investors' Associations throughout New Zealand.

(027) 357 9243

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How many smoke alarms are required?

The Residential Tenancies Regulations will specify how many  smoke alarms will be required in residential rental properties.  MBIE has just finished a consultation with stakeholders about this and other matters and are currently preparing advice for consideration by Ministers and Cabinet. Once Cabinet has agreed the final regulations, MBIE intends to use an information and education campaign to promote the new requirements. This is expected to happen before 1 July 2016 when the new requirements are expected to become law. The following question in  the Residential Tenancies Regulations proposal provides guidance on the current direction.

Key question: How many smoke alarms should be required and who needs to provide them?

Proposal: The landlord must ensure there is a working smoke alarm in the hall or similar, installed within three metres of each bedroom and in any sleep out or self-contained caravan. In a multi-level unit, there must be a working smoke alarm on each level.

Technical requirement: at least one working smoke alarm in the hall or similar within three metres of each bedroom door. The landlord is responsible for ensuring the alarm is operational at the beginning of each new tenancy and at any property inspection. The tenant is responsible for changing batteries during the tenancy, and reporting defective smoke alarms to the landlord.

NZPIF members can purchase smoke alarms at a special price.

While waiting for more information from MBIE, NZPIF members can purchase smoke alarms at a special price.  For more information go here

Tags: smoke alarms